In 1925, it was against the law to teach evolution in the state of Tennessee.  As a test of this law, a mild mannered teacher in Dayton named Thomas Scopes volunteered to teach evolution to his pupils. He was arrested. The ensuing trial pitted two legendary lawyers against each other:  Clarence Darrow defended Scopes by defending Darwin.  William Jennings Bryan preferred Genesis. The following is from Darrow's opening:
Here we find today as brazen and as bold an attempt to destroy learning as was ever made in the Middle Ages.  The  only difference is that we shall not be burned at the stake.  But there is time for that, Your Honor.  We have to approach these things gradually.
Darrow  took the position that since Creationism was wrong, a law supporting it was wrong; thus the issue was not law, but freedom.  Bryan's stance was that the law was the law, and allowing people to break the law would lead to all sorts of evil. The jury awarded the technical victory to Bryan and the spiritual to Darrow. Scopes was found guilty, but the fine was a mere token. 

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Escape Clause