This page is in glorious black and white so that you can read it easily.  Here are the basic steps for getting into the Jazz Babies Webring. Once you have filled out the submission form on the previous page, there are just a few more steps.

First, right click on the charming image below and save it to your own directory. Please don't change the file name, as you will have more spots to edit.

Second, copy the code below and edit it:  Where ever the code says "***Site id***" you go through and replace it with the id number you received after submission. Thus, if you are site #23,  you will have "23" repeated at each spot. You must also replace "***name***" with your name, and "***mail***" with your email address. If you are good with code, you may also make any color changes needed to make the ring's font colors fit your decor.

All done?  Paste it into your web page. It must be placed where a visitor through the ring can find it easily. This is usually either the first page of your site, or a "Web Rings" page.

Once this is done, E-mail the Concierge , and tell her that you are ready for inspection. If everything is in place, you will be added to the ring. Then break out the bathtub gin for the new suckers who'll be dropping by!


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If you can't wait for an email and would like to copy this code now, you can go to the top of your browser and find the "View Source Code" command. A window will open that has the HTML for this page in it. Start copying at the point where it says

BEGIN JAZZ BABIES CODE and go to the end, where it says END JAZZBABIES CODE


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