"What contract in industry is so important as the marriage contract? What plans to develop natural resources, to build bridges or railroads or great buildings, have such real significance as plans for a family and what it is to be and accomplish? . . . The marriage contract upon which the family rests is not considered so binding as an industrial contract. The parties to it may not realize what a contract is and that if it is to be valid, their minds must meet in carrying out some plan of family life.  The planning here advocated will do much to see that the minds of the parties do meet, and that each realizes what each is to give and what each may expecting the way of a home, companionship, and the other satisfactions which family life involves." (Living with Our Children, 1928). 

Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1878-1972) must have been a great planner.  She and her husband were both working industrial engineers -- and the parents of twelve children. When Frank died in 1924, she became a single mom.  She was no slouch; all her surviving children went to college.

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Escape Clause